
How to Fix a Plasma , LCD and LED TV

You were watching TV then the screen goes black.  The most likely is that a capacitor blew on your TV's power supply board. Not to worry. It can be easily fixed.

Do you know what a bad capacitor looks like? A capacitor will bubble up on the top. See images to get a better understanding.  you know what bad capacitors look like. Your first step is to unplug the TV then remove the back cover and access the power supply. Now you can get a visual of the capacitors in order to see what shape there in; I say to unplug the TV first not just because of the electrical hazard but also the newer TVs sometimes have a kill switch installed. If you try to open the back with it still plugged it will shut the TV down indefinitely; and you will only be able to turn it back on with a special field service code. YOU DID WHAT!!!. Some Pioneer plasma TVs are known for this.

Just so everyone knows I’m not an electronics tech, but I would say I’m an avid troubleshooter/tinkerer. I’m the type of person that has to know why something is broke, and what the reason is.Im also a firm believer in the right tools and the proper approach to fixing anything.There is always a right way.Dont take short cuts.I also can’t stand to see perfectly good items tossed or thrown aside because of a possibly simple fix. Perhaps if it isn’t so simple as long as it doesn’t cost a lot of money, why not fix it? Also at the time of this article the state of the economy does not seem to be getting much better;and it seems like more and more people are holding off purchasing new items in exchange for fixing what they have,or just going without non-essentials altogether.It also appears we have enough electronics and appliance in the local dumps around the world why unnecessarily ad to it?

Piles of TVs
Anyhow I have ran across this problem many times and have fixed several electronics items such as TV and computers just by knowing the symptoms and going right to the problem.People have tossed some really good items away thinking they were broke or unfix-able and I have taken them home and fixed them for less the 5 dollars, most of the time. Here is a short video that I thought was well done showing the condition of bad capacitors. Some are barely noticeable while others are leaking and decomposing.

 After the back panel is off, look at the capacitors in and around the power supply. Mark all those with a marker that need replacing. Now look at the side of the capacitor to see what type it is. There are many types and strengths. The type you will be replacing is “electrolytic capacitors” these are usually made of aluminum casing that have a small amount of fluid in them to allow them to hold a charge. They will have two small wire stems coming out of the bottom that will be used to solder it to the board. The important numbers are the UF and the voltage; for example I just replaced some capacitors that were 820uf and 16volt. Yours will more than likely be different.

 After you know what you need to purchase, buying online is usually the only way I found what I needed in the area of electronic components. I have gone to radio shack for capacitors in the past and they have never had what I needed off the shelf. They usually carry very general, low capacity items,such as you would find inside a radio...imagine that Radio Shack carrying components for radios... preposterous!!!
Or you can try they have fairly inexpensive components.
Capacitors don’t cost very much, for this type of thing it is usually a dollar or two each, plus shipping.

Tools you will need

J&L 60 Watts Soldering Iron, UL listed
Amazon Price: $5.41
List Price: $14.99
Solder Sucker- desoldering pump
Amazon Price: $0.51
List Price: $5.85
Lead-Free Solder 5' Roll
Amazon Price: $0.99
List Price: $1.70